親子でアートPart 2 「てん」からはじまる展覧会
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親子でアートPart 2
SUN. August 21st
Family Art Event Part2
Circle art activity inspired by The Dots
Listen to a story of THE DOT.
Have fun creating simple dot paintings.
This is a great opportunity for kids to be an artist.
Use paints and display your work in a picture frame.
The exhibition is getting ready !
|日時 Date and Time|
8月21日(日) SUN. August 21st
10:00 AM -12:00
|場所 Location|
アートフオーラムあざみ野1階 子どもの部屋
Art Forum Azamino 1F Kids Room
|対象・定員 Condition・ Max|
Designed for 3-6 year olds (preschoolers)
: Limited to 10 parent-child pair
|参加費 Fee|
親子1組 ¥1,000
¥1,000 per parent-child pair
Receives one picture frame
*追加児童1人¥500 (額縁代、画材費込み)
¥500 per additional child
(Including art material cost, 1 picture frame cost )
|申込み Registration|
keiko.scc@gmail.com までメールにてお申込みください。
Please send email to keiko.scc@gmail.com with your child’s name, child’s age, parent ’s name, phone number where you can be reached on the day, and email subject: The dots
*8/1(月)〜 申し込み開始
*Registration opens on August 1st.
|企画・実施 Project Planned and Implemented by|
本企画は、Sharing Caring CULTUREと青山学院大学ワークショップデザイナー育成プログラム修了生を主としたグループによるものです。
This project is planned and implemented by Sharing Caring CULTURE and finished trainee group of Aoyama Gakuin University Workshop Designer Training Program.
KIDS CHEF 親子クッキングのお知らせ 9/25, 11/26, 1/14
\KIDS CHEF 親子クッキングのお知らせ/
Please scroll down for English description.
◉第1回 9月25日 (日)10:00-12:00
◉第2回 11月26日(土)10:00-12:00
◉第3回 2017年1月14日(土)10:00-12:00
|会場|アートフォーラムあざみ野3階 生活工房
|参加費|親子2名1組/ 各回2,000円
第1回 8月1日〜8月31日
第2回 10月1日〜10月31日
第3回 12月1日〜12月31日
ご質問、お問い合わせはkeiko.scc@gmail.com または、 http://sccjapan.wix.com/sccjapanからご連絡お願いします。
We are going to hold "Family Cooking Class with English Play time!"
(A series of 3 classes) from September 25th.
Cooking brings family and friends together.
Let your little chefs get some experience in the kitchen.
Surprise your family with our fun, easy recipes !
We welcome children into the kitchen along with their parent
for a family experience in hands-on style.
This 2-hour program includes cooking and English play time.
|Date & Time|
◉1st (Sun) September 25th, 2016 10:00am-12:00
"Ham & Mayonnaise Bread "
Have fun hand mixing, kneading and shaping a dough.
Let’s eat bread with soup !
◉2nd (Sat) November 26th, 2016 10:00am-12:00
"Make a Christmas Tree with Profiterole Cream Puffs"
Towering petite cream puffs one by one.
You’ll have an impressive dessert for the holidays.
◉3rd (Sat) January14th, 2017 10:00am-12:00
"Thick Sushi Rolls"
Put your favorite ingredients like rolled egg omelette,
tuna, cucumber then roll it.
You’ll get tips for preparing sushi rice and learn
the art of hand rolling !
Artforum Azamino 3F Kitchen
|Participation Fee|
¥2,000/ 1adult and 1child pair per session
*Includes recipes and food prepared during class
|Condition / Max|
Children should be between 4 -12years old
Limited to 10 parent-child pair
|How to Register|
Please send e-mail to keiko.scc@gmail.com with your child’s name, child’s age, parent’s name, phone number and email subject : KIDS CHEF
We accept your registration during these period below.
|Registration Period|
*Spots for each class limited.
Registration is first come first served.
1st session : August 1st ~ August 31st
2nd session: October1st ~ October 31st
3rd session: December1st ~ December 31st
|Inquiry / Contact|
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at keiko.scc@gmail.com or http://sccjapan.wix.com/sccjapan

Family Aromatherapy Workshop
Sun. JULY 24th
Family Aromatherapy Workshop
〜Make your own 100%Vegan insect repellent spray
Come along and join us for an interactive aromatherapy
workshop to get your children involved during summer holiday !
Children and parents with a exploration of the senses through smell, we hope you enjoy the shared experience of creating a homemade essential oil insect repellent spray and a sticker to label on the bottle.
This workshop will include introduction to Aromatherapy :
learn the benefits of aromatherapy.
*Please let us know in advance whether you are pregnant.
You should avoid participating this workshop during your
first trimester.
|日時 Date and Time|
7月24日(日) SUN.July 24th
10:00 AM -11:30 AM
|場所 Location|
アートフオーラムあざみ野2階 セミナールーム2
Art Forum Azamino 2F Seminar room 2
|講師 Instructor| 中田真世さん Mayo Nakata
Starting her career as an aromatherapist in 2000, Mayo has
gained and developed her skills at hospitals and maternity hospitals.Now teaching at educational facilities and holds workshop at home.
|参加費 Fee|
親子1組 ¥2,000 per adult and children pair
Receives one insect repellent spray
*追加児童1人¥1000 per additional child
Including one insect repellent spray cost )
|定員 Max|親子10組 10 parent and child pairs
|申込み Registration|
keiko.scc@gmail.com までメールにてお申込みください。
Please send email to keiko.scc@gmail.com with your child’s name, child’s age, parent ’s name, phone number where you can be reached,and email subject: Family Aroma
*RSVP required before July 17th.

SCC Arts & Crafts Playgroup
The rainy season is just around the corner.
Why not spend a crafty day at home with your little ones?
I’d like to share a craft activity which will be suit for rainy days.
Get the joy of painting without having no paint to clean!
|||SCC Arts &Crafts Playgroup Session|||
◉場所:アートフォーラムあざみ野 1階 子どもの部屋
◉参加費:¥1,000 (会場利用料1家族 ¥300、クラフト材料費込)
◉Date & Time: Fri. June 17th 10:00AM-11:30AM
◉Place: Artforum Azamino Kids Room 1F
◉Participation Fee: ¥1,000
(Including¥300 of facility charge per family and craft material cost)
*If you join with your friend, both of you will receive a 50% discount. Participation fee will be ¥500 for each mom & child pair.

FUN with NATURE Park Event with TPEP
FUN with NATURE Park Event with TPEP
Play outside with similar aged children from the local area.
Due to the weather condition, this event was postponed to Sun, May 29th.
■ Date & Time
Sunday May 29th
12:30- Let's have a picnic lunch together after the session.
Bring your own lunch.
■ Location
Otsuka / Saikachido Relics Park in Center Kita
■ Max. 10 families fully booked
■ Participation fee : 500yen/ family
(Including craft materials)
■ What to bring
Picnic sheet, Drinks, Towel, Lunch,
A change of clothes just in case.
・Opening circle
・Music & Movement
・Bark Rubbings
・Color Hunt
・Closing circle
* We will inform cancellation notice due to bad weather
by the day before.

Kids Programming Workshop
Kids Programming Workshop
- Creating a Fun Digital Art Experience!
In this workshop, upper 4yrs use Viscuit, an unique
visual art programming language to experience coding.
It's a fun, easy to use, drag and drop programming language that kids can dive right into.Why not come to enjoy a day of creative programming experience together !
■Date : Sat. 30 April
■Time : 10:00AM-11:30AM
■Place : Artforum Azamino Seminar Room 2F
■Max Participants : 20 spots Fully booked
■Conditions : Upper 4 years old
■Participation Fee : 1,000 JPY parents and children pair
*500 JPY per additional child for tablet rental fee
■Facilitator: Yukari Inoue
( Art Educator / Degitalpocket Facilitator)
■Registration: Please send email to keiko.scc@gmail.com
with your name, telephone number, and Title : Kids
Programming WS
Thank You!
4歳からプログラミングができるユニークな言語「ビスケット(Viscuit)」を使って、コンピュータでのものづくりの楽しさを体験しませんか。英語や数字など文字をまったく使わずに、絵を描いてコンピュータとお話しするユニークな言語。とても簡単なので、自由自在にコンピュータに命令することができます! はじめてのプログラミング体験、一緒にやってみましょう!
■場所:アートフォーラムあざみ野 2階セミナールーム
■定員:20人 Fully booked
■参加費:親子1組 1,000円
件名「子どもプログラミング」で 参加者のお名前、お子様の年齢、当日のご連絡先(お電話番号)をご記入の上keiko.scc@gmail.comまでお申込み下さい。

Family Art Workshop – Happy Creative Mother’s Day
Family Art Workshop – Happy Creative Mother’s Day
Enjoy the shared experience of creating a work of art on Mother’s day.
This pastel drawing makes a great gift for mom !
Date: May 8th (sun) This class is canceled due to instructor illness
Time: 10:00 AM -11:30 AM
Location: Art Forum Azamino3F Meeting room 1
Instructor: Ikuko Sekiguchi
Fee: 1,500 JPY parents and children pair
(One picture frame is included )
*500 JPY per additional child
Max:10 pairs
Registration : Please send email to keiko.scc@gmail.com with your name, telephone number, and Title : Family Art Pastel.
Thank You!
開催日: 5月8日(日)This class is canceled due to instructor illness
場所:アートフォーラムあざみ野3F 会議室1
講師:関口 郁子 さん
追加の子ども一人につき 500円
申込み方法:件名「親子パステル」で お名前、当日のご連絡先(お電話番号)をご記入の上keiko.scc@gmail.comまでお申込み下さい。

Family Events on Spring Break
Spring break is almost here,
if you are looking for some fun ways to spend a day with your children, come along and join these family events at Sharing Caring CULTURE !
▶Easter EGG HUNT with Tama-plaza English Playgroup (Fully Booked, Thank You!!)
March 27th 13:00PM-15:00PM
@ Tsuzuki Central Park
March 28th 10:00AM-14:00PM
@ Otsuka Saikichido Relics Park
in Center Kita
▶Family BreadMaking Class (Fully Booked, Thank You!!)
April 4th 10:00AM-12:00
@ Artforum Azamino 3F Kitchen