About Us

Meet Our Staff

Keiko Misaka
Founder / Representative Director
Workshop Designer / Child Development Specialist

Riela Drianda
Director / Community planner /
Urban planner

Sharing Caring CULTURE offers programs for non-Japanese to join a Multi-cultural Seminar, an Arts and Crafts Playgroup, and a Zumba Meet-up
What is Sharing Caring CULTURE ?
Sharing Caring CULTURE is a private organization established in February 2014. Through cultural activities, we aim to help non-Japanese residents build relationships with Japanese residents.
Local government and Nonprofit Organizations (NPO) currently provide services for non-Japanese residents ranging from assistance with daily life in different languages to offering Japanese language courses.
However, there are all sorts of non-Japanese residents. We believe the kind of support a resident alien needs depends on his or her situation and the needs of non-Japanese change over time.
Some of these long-term residents are able to get by but no longer feel satisfied because they can’t contribute to their community.
We realized we should set up an opportunity for people from other countries who want to contribute their knowledge and skills to their community and serve and connect with people.
Sharing Caring CULTURE offers programs for non-Japanese to join a Multi-cultural seminar, an Arts and Crafts Playgroup, and a Zumba Meet-up.
Sharing Caring CULTUREは、2014年2月、外国人住民と日本人がカルチャーを通して交流することを目的としてつくられた任意団体です。
Sharing Caring CULTUREは、異なる国籍を持つ人々が母語や母国の文化を生かした活動を通して、地域の住民とつながるための場づくりとして、
Maki Sakamoto
Arts and Crafts Playgroup Assistant

Masako Nakane
Web designer/Art Instructor